People + Planet
We are committed to making a positive impact on society and the planet. We do this in the following ways:
We run a plant-based production office
We're providing pathways into production for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds and under-represented groups via our apprenticeships and mentorships. We believe that diversity in the industry needs to increase, and that by helping to lift the tide for the most deprived in our society, all boats will rise.
We work a 35-hour week, giving bonuses or days in lieu of any overtime incurred
We avoid an excessive use of production materials on our sets
We are reducing our carbon emissions wherever possible, and only resorting to offsetting if necessary
We are reducing waste, reusing, recycling and composting whatever possible
We avoid single-use plastics in our office
We pledge to make at least one film a year for a good cause, pro bono